New York Oral Surgery & Dental Implant Center
POSTED ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 08, 2011 AT 3:15 PM by Dr. Mark Stein
Do you have a healthy, happy, and confident smile? Now through December 31, 2011, visit New York Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Implant Center for a free dental implant evaluation and screening. Come check us out while we check out you! This is the perfect way to get to know Dr. Stein and his friendly, helpful staff. Call 212.888.4760 to reserve your appointment today!
POSTED ON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2011 AT 9:33 AM by Dr. Mark Stein
If you have defects or deficiencies in your jawbone caused by trauma, infection, gum disease, surgery, or congenital defects, you may benefit from bone grafting. Dr. Mark Stein, a leading New York oral and maxillofacial surgeon, uses the most advanced bone grafting techniques available to date in order to provide his patients with the best, most predictable bone grafting results. Dr. Stein’s techniques promote bone growth and create a strong foundation for future dental restorations, including dental implants.

Dr. Stein is one of the first doctors in the country to use INFUSE® Bone Graft in oral surgery procedures as an alternative to allografts or autografts. INFUSE® Bone Graft is an FDA approved manufactured bone grafting material that contains a manufactured version of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein 2 (rhBMP-2), a protein normally found in the body. The role of rhBMP-2 is to help stimulate the production of bone. Unlike using bone grafts taken from other parts of the patient’s body, INFUSE® Bone Graft eliminates the need for a bone harvesting procedure and therefore spares defects to the hip, leg, rib, chin, or jaw. While rhBMP-2 promotes better bone growth at the implant site, it also encourages improved healing.
INFUSE® Bone Graft can also be used in sinus augmentation and ridge expansion. A sinus lift procedure is a special type of bone grafting procedure necessary when bone loss has occurred between the upper jaw and the sinuses. A ridge expansion is performed when the jaw is not wide enough to support the placement of dental implants.
For more information about jaw bone grafting procedures using INFUSE® Bone Graft at New York Oral & Maxillofacial Center, please visit Dr. Stein’s website or call 212.888.4760. You may also request an appointment online.
Additional Links:
Dental Implants New York
Bone Grafting NYC
Sinus Lift NY
POSTED ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2011 AT 11:46 AM by Dr. Mark Stein
Your smile is an important facial feature in establishing first impressions. Smiles convey a wide array of emotions such as friendliness, attentiveness, and compassion, but as many actions tend to do, smiling comes with a price as a person ages. Wrinkles tend to form around the mouth, face, eyes, and brow as the years pass, causing people to appear aged, tired, or angry. With the use of Cosmetic Injectables, however, you may continue to smile without worrying about deep creases or folds in your face.

Dr. Mark Stein, D.D.S., MD offers Restylane® and Botox®Cosmetic in New York. Restylane® and Botox®Cosmetic are both cosmetic injectables which aim to reduce wrinkles and give a more youthful appearance on the face. A topical anesthetic cream is used during the procedure to alleviate any discomfort. Dr. Stein will be as accommodating and compassionate toward the patients as possible throughout the simple cosmetic treatment. Both treatments take about ten to fifteen minutes, and patients may return to their normal daily activities directly afterward. There are some differences between the two cosmetic injectables in New York. Restylane® is designed to restore the skin’s volume and fullness while Botox®Cosmetic aims to relax the facial muscles, thereby minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Restylane®’s results appear more quickly; visible results are usually apparent almost immediately while Botox®Cosmetic’s results may take several days. The results of Botox®Cosmetic typically last for up to four months while Restylane®’s typically last for up to six.
If you’re interested in enhancing the beauty of your smile by minimizing the signs of facial aging, cosmetic injectables in New York may be right for you. Dr. Stein and his staff can assist you in deciding which product is better suited for your needs. Don’t hesitate to contact his office with any questions or concerns you may have about Restylane®or Botox®Cosmetic. To schedule a consultation, please call Dr. Stein’s New York office at 212-888-4760 or visit his website at for further research about the treatments and procedures he offers in New York.
Additional Links:
Teeth in An Hour Manhattan
Facial Trauma NYC
Sinus Lift New York
Oral Surgeon NY
POSTED ON TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 AT 10:54 AM by Dr. Mark Stein
As one of New York's leading oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Dr. Mark Stein has years of experience in performing tooth extractions in NYC. One of only a handful of doctors to have earned both a medical and dental degree, Dr. Stein has the professional experience necessary to handle even the toughest oral surgery cases in New York. If you have an impacted tooth complicated by its position or proximity to a nerve, schedule a consultation with Dr. Stein. He may be able to help with your unique situation, even if other oral surgeons have hesitated to perform surgery in the past. Check out this patient review posted by Daniel M:

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Oral Surgeons NY
Teeth Removal New York City
POSTED ON THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 08, 2011 AT 4:25 PM by Dr. Mark Stein
In recent years, dental implants have become an increasingly popular alternative to dentures and bridges for replacing missing teeth. Unlike removable replacement teeth, dental implants are surgically inserted into the jaw bone, making permanent tooth replacement possible. In some cases, the jaw bone atrophies and diminishes, making it too weak to support dental implants securely. Now, patients with deficient jaw bones have the option of replacing missing bone, increasing bone volume, and filling in voids in their natural bone structure using bone grafts from other parts of the body.

At New York Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center, Dr. Mark Stein can use bone grafting on patients whose jaws are not strong enough to support dental implants. During the bone grafting procedure, Dr. Stein harvests bone grafts from other parts of your body (autografts) and places them into your jaw bone. For some patients, Dr. Stein uses synthetic materials or allografts from cadavers instead of the patient’s natural bone for the grafts. Over time, these grafts – whether they are autografts, allografts, or synthetic materials – promote healing and the formation of new bone cells in the jaw. As they heal, they slowly convert into new, living bone capable of supporting dental implants.
Dr. Stein offers the latest advances in bone grafting techniques to ensure the best possible bone grafting results for his patients. He is among the first oral surgeons in the country to use Infuse®, a manufactured bone grafting material, as an alternative to autografts or allografts. Infuse® uses special proteins to promote bone growth and to stimulate bone formation in the jaw. It eliminates the need for bone grafts to be taken from other parts of the body, shortening the healing process for patients. Dr. Stein can also use growth factors from patient’s blood to promote healing after bone grafts are placed.
If you need dental implants but lack the bone mass in your jaw to support them, you may be a good candidate for bone grafting. Dr. Stein would be happy to discuss your treatment options with you. Please call 212-888-4760 or visit our website to schedule a consultation to discuss dental implants and bone grafting in our New York office.
Additional Links:
Oral Maxillofacial NY
Dental Implants New York
Sinus Lift NYC